National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week

Did you know that 13,954 students in West Virginia were identified as homeless during the 2023-2024 school year? This means that more than one in every 20 students in our classrooms is experiencing housing instability.

Students that are identified as homeless can receive services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Students are eligible for support if they lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. These children and youth may be sharing housing with a family member, neighbor, or friend due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reason. These students may also reside in motels, hotels, shelters, cars, parks, or other substandard housing situations.

Click here to learn more about National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week and the McKinney-Vento Act. To learn about homeless services for Greenbrier County students, please contact Melandee Heaster at 304-647-6466. Greenbrier County Schools participates in the Community Eligibility Program and provides free school meals for all students. For information on child nutrition services, contact Heather Lively at 304-647-7121.